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In the face of every type of pain, we tend to think that life will never be the same, but guess what, it was never going to be the same anyway. The only thing more relentless than pain is change. It certainly can seem like the relentless pain of life is unbearable, but you are never more alive than when you are enraptured by pain. Pain is a horribly wonderful gift. We are never taught more deeply and more truthfully than by pain. We are all aching. Young and old — we all ache so much. Our hearts and bodies feel every shock. Pain is as expansive as life itself. Pain grows with us and in us as a cultivation of life's unfolding. Your pain is reminding you that the gift of life is tender and precious. Suffering cuts to the quick of aliveness. Pain realigns us with the present moment and brings us into a mindful awareness of the labored expansion of life's gift called — now. Whether it be physical or emotional, pain is usually a messenger trying to help us. Pain is a breach in the walls of decline and stagnation. Pain is the ultimate proof of life. We are all aching for something, even if only for some relief and a little peace. But remember when you are aching to feel alive, that you are aching only because you are alive! Lifetimes are lost in unnoticed moments, but pain forces us to notice. Because of pain you feel more and so you live more. Every beautiful thing in the world is rooted in some kind of pain. Pain is the clarion of aliveness trumpeting that you are living in the marvelous tender cause of life! Your burdens and pains will only be lightened by living ever so fully. If you want relief from pain just strive to touch more of every part of life. Live so fully and so brilliantly that your pain diminishes in your aliveness. Day by day, as you live more, you will become greater than your pain. May you receive the wisdom of your wounds and may you live your life even larger than your pain.
At times, it can feel like the pain and disappointment just never seems to stop. If it is not one thing, it is another. We try so hard. We try to be so good and do right by people. We work and struggle and press forward day after day. We are told there is supposed to be some sort of reward out there, but where is it? There may be a reward, but for damn sure, there is also some pain; so much pain and aching. We see it on other people's faces, and we see it on our own. Body aches and heart aches; aching to be free of the hurt. But life keeps you running until your side is splitting, until you just want to stop and catch your breath for a moment. Sometimes the pain is a startling breach that hobbles your entire soul; dreadful losses that rupture your perceived reality. Pain so visceral and unrelenting that even death itself can begin to look like a welcomed and kind benefactor. Or, maybe it's not a sharp jolt of pain at all, but rather a steady, ambient field of uneasiness, loneliness, disappointment and ambivalence that just seems to go on forever. Low-grade pain can be so rooted in your being that the pain begins to look like you, and you begin to look like the pain — it becomes your identity. Unexpressed frustration. Unrequited loves. Unrecognized. Unappreciated. Unvalued. Unhappy. Unfulfilled. Un. The same numbness and disappointment every day sends some people looking for something tragic for proof of life. But most of us just try to stay calm and conform. We conform to pain until we don't notice it anymore; it's what you call — numb — and it tragically blots out our pleasure too. Conformity is a type of calm where you hover motionless on the edge of a scream that never comes. It's hard to scream when you can't breathe under all the pressures, like the pressure of waiting forever for a second chance that will never come, or a future you can never have, or some absolution for your deepest sins, regrets and failures.
Pain is like a healing emotional fever. Allow your pain to cleanse you and burn away what needs to die. A new and better you will grow from the ashes. The most important parts of your life will be marked by pain. Some of the most amazing people in the world were not perfect; they were scarred by suffering, hardships, losses and imperfections. But, when they recovered, they were stronger, wiser, and more loving and compassionate. Your life is going to get better in the proper time, and you will be stronger and more at peace than ever before. Out of our suffering we emerge. Our struggles are really our only hope. Stay strong.
The truth is that life can be very difficult at times. There can be a lot of pressure to keep it all together, to be smart and beautiful, to be so good and perfect. But sometimes we don't have it together at all. Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we don't feel good or look our best. Sometimes things are not good at all, and we feel miserable, lonely or depressed. If you have lost your way and feel down, that feeling belongs to you. If you feel miserable — it's yours, and no one should take it away from you. It's important to feel your feelings. Maybe things honestly aren't very good at all right now. Maybe you have good reasons to be depressed, and the last thing you need is someone telling you to be happy. But one thing you do need, is at least the respect from others to let you sit with your valid feelings. You don't always need a cheerleader, but just someone to simply be a friend by acknowledging where you actually are, and how you really feel. Real problems can't be fixed with a motivational poster, a cute quote or a pat on the back. When you are in your pain, it does not matter how intrinsically special you are, or how beautiful life is, or how precious each moment is — if you don't accept and respect your suffering, it isn't going anywhere. Submit to your pain; don't suppress your pain. If you can sit with your pain, listen to your pain and respect your pain — in time you will move through your pain.
I have so much gratitude for the people who have loved me and stood beside me over the years. Deep appreciation fills my heart when I think of each of you. Thank you also to my enemies, detractors, naysayers, lurkers and secret ill-wishers — you have strengthened and blessed me immensely as my important teachers. All of my dreams are continually coming true. Dreams do come true for those who dare to believe in themselves. You set the standard for how people will treat and regard you, by how you treat and regard yourself. I hope each of you will believe in yourselves because life wants to give you the blessings you deserve. It is never too late to begin living your own dream. Start right now by beginning to believe.
I guess I have always been a dreamer, but that does not mean I was always a positive person. There are negative-minded dreamers out there too. I had a rough entry into the world. But somewhere along the journey I decided to see the positive in life. That doesn't mean I began ignoring reality or not acknowledging the negative, but I did decide to fairly accept the fullness in life's balance, which demands that there are positive gifts along with adversity. There is a law of opposition apparent in all life which guarantees balance and fullness. I quit allowing my negativity to block the positive gifts which were meant for me, along with all of the hard lessons and tribulations I had to endure.
The master action to move forward, is a form of inaction; being still and quiet. It is in this quietness where you can hear your intuition. Too much aggression and work will move what you desire further away. Instead of pushing, invite it to connect with you and move with you, and through you. The most effective form of creation is an act of cooperation, not force. All things are accomplished by the meditative act of releasing illusions and simply becoming. The master tools of success are invitation, patience, time, gentleness, cooperation, and surrender. Let go of everything. That is how you get everything; you let go of everything. When we try to control, we become controlled; when we release, we become free. Success, just like poverty, is a state of mind. You can become instantly successful with a simple thought, but long-lasting and pronounced success comes to those who renew their commitment to a mindset of abundance every minute of every hour of every day.
There is no greater path than the act of listening, because the observer who listens can begin to see themselves as an active part of the one universal expression of purpose and beingness. Life is always speaking to us at every moment. The subtle whispers, cues, and nudges are there as guideposts, to gently carry the humble listener along the path back to the source and the true self. Always choose to trust yourself and your ability to listen. Listen to your intuition and the quiet promptings of your heart. Let it all go and enjoy the profound gifts found in your quiet places. These gifts are your birthright. Everything you wish to "create" is already there, waiting for you.
The beautiful path is not a place outside of yourself, but rather a place you carry within you everywhere you go. The beautiful path is the place you want to be to re-center yourself. It is the garden of peace you seek, but it is not a tangible place that exists in the world — it is within. Go there, within. The sweet pleasure of your own joy and success is a cultivation of both the heart and mind. To move forward, simply set your intentions, be grateful for what you have, be open to what is possible, and the rest will happen, as a beautiful and effortless journey of cooperation and listening.
Your true purpose is to become your own unique self and to do so with happiness and freedom from fear. You are a unique and beautiful expression of the mysterious gift of life and creation. There are more elegant ways to create than the clumsy, brute-force tools of willpower, determination, and hard work. These methods involve releasing illusions of lack and cravings. It is a gentle calling and creation through beingness. Determination and willpower are not enough; they can knock down the door, but it is love that gently unlocks the door and invites you in. The true creator-self is a light-at-heart and care-free child, who accesses destiny as a simple act of joyful play. Your life is meant to be filled with beauty and joy. A life of success comes from seeking a life of beauty. I call this journey, walking on the beautiful path.

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