
We cannot blame the military for being what it is, because the military of any country is a reflection of the country itself. A government, no matter how corrupt, unscrupulous, or manipulative is a reflection of its people. What we presently see before us in society is a perfect reflection of who we are, both good and bad. Who are you? What do you wish to create today? What is your identity? What is your intention? Most people do not actually know how to think for themselves, and unfortunately that prevents them from even knowing it. You are not really free, and that is why you do not know what I am talking about. You are not who you think you are; you are someone else's ideas. One of the most important things you can do in life is to brutally question every single thing you are taught. The ultimate question of who we are is set before us at all times and answered with every action. Self-reflection, self-awareness, greater authenticity, and consciousness expose more of the critical self-probing needed to escape from the layers of manipulation and conditioning, which caused us to lose ourselves to culture. Once you are fully divested from your prejudices and attachments, you can begin to visualize a world without fear, control, and violence, and in that instant, you will be surrendering your personal role as an agent of violence.

— Bryant McGill

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