
Women receive messages from childhood that they may be rewarded and protected for maintaining a childlike comportment such as being demure, obedient, passive, and subservient. However, if she rebels through exerting independence, asking questions, doubting myths, and especially self-reflection, she will be punished and rejected. Of course, this father-worship and voluntary subjugation is not limited to women. Little boys and men seek protection and validation from "Big Daddy" in the authoritarian realms of intellectual, fiscal, and social hierarchy, and through fraternity, government, military, police, and other consolidated power structures. The great father will not save us, whether it be your chosen mate rescuing you and making you "complete," or a personified "Uncle Sam" saving you from terrorist boogie-men. We can only save ourselves through elevating our individual consciousness, by realizing there is already completeness within, and exercising as much considerate independence, respect, and fairness as possible. Both men and women must carefully consider the roles they play. Both men and women are responsible for creating and participating in the dynamics of their chosen relationships with themselves, their communities, and the world.

— Bryant McGill

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