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Like it had been put in them, it was put in me; they transmitted their fear to me like the disease it is — their viciousness, ignorance, and rage infected me.
Trauma mercifully seems to blot out the periods of its betiding, like a compassionate amnesia, but many sweet moments are also lost in that personal fog of war.
It seems like the whole purpose of life is to humble you, and made humble we certainly are — or will be.
You can't resist the whole world. It will wear you down over time.
Willfulness is often a mindset of self-battery. It's very tricky in that it can seem like strength, when really it is just arrogance.
One of the defining moments in my life was in learning to not unnecessarily resist things.
Tragedy contains opportunity — the greater the tragedy, the greater the opportunity.
As it was for me; I was a poor student and had to learn the lessons over and over again.
Suffering is one of life's greatest teachers.
I would like to say that it was because of my brilliance that I found wisdom and completion; that would've been nice, but it's not true. Pain was my compass in life. Unease and fear were my guides; not angels, but my own demons.

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