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Lay down your worldly attachments and merely exist in total cooperation with your own unique inner truth.
The ultimate defiance is to simply and gently be your own truth.
It is not necessary to dignify tyranny with anger, which merely validates its false power.
Let us revolt against the nightmare, and work together for a kinder world.
We have no obligation whatsoever to uphold any institution, country, or idea that does not serve as a humble refuge for all of humanities tender frailties.
There is a deeply obscured level beyond citizen — it is the domain that gave birth to the space for the constructs of citizen and country to exist.
Freedom needs role-models.
Give no earthly master permission to subdue your unique truth, but allow your truth, to seduce their lust for control to a love of freedom.
Freedom is wild, and to be free we must at times live dangerously and wildly.
It is with a cold and inhumane civility that many great crimes are carried out against the warm hearts of good people.

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