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The lone, ordinary person, existing incognito within the system has tremendous power in a revolution.
The roots of all commonwealth are planted in the understanding that we are all the same human beings.
The solution to nearly every problem in the world comes down to greater awareness, compassion, and empathy.
When fighting any great enemy; we must endeavor to not become the madness we seek to heal.
It is a high spiritual truth that we create with our judgments.
Hold the dream of a world with no military passionately in your heart, and if you will not, or cannot, then the destroyer spirit has possessed you, and YOU are an important part of the great miseries of the world.
The most powerful weapon against our woes is a willful mind of defiance for good.
In a highly evolved future society, to the pride of its people, no military will exist.
The sum of an organized military is greater than the parts, and as a whole, any military should be classified as a weapon of mass destruction.
In the future, all military needs to be voluntarily dissolved and disbanded by all nations.

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