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The personal revolution is the realization that the village and nature have had the answers all along.
You can best change the system by engaging the system to explore its strengths and weaknesses.
Consumer asceticism leads to a monoculture of deprivation, which is the opposite of diversity and openness.
Inside each of us there is a marvelous compass which greatly favors life, freedom and vitality.
We believe we are the consumers, but we are the consumed.
When we do not know our true identity as powerful creators, we are susceptible to being used and manipulated.
Materialism is an identity crisis.
Reject the contract of existing as a corporate slave and as a disposable human product.
We reclaim our power, communities and families by becoming creative producers.
Consumer life and present-day corporatism is a form of passive violence because it denatures people and turns them into disposable produce.

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