Artisan variation is beautiful to the unique eye of the beholder.
A craftsperson's hands create authenticity and truth, honesty containing blemishes and imperfections.
There is nothing higher-class than real craftsmanship, diversity, originality and the service of skilled human hands.
Television and media act as corporate slogan madrasas that indoctrinate and collate future product disciples into obedient purchasing-classes.
The monocultural corrals-of-thought are forms of enforcement which create class-stratification through brand self-identification.
Free your mind and free yourself from brand slavery.
Wake-up! Think for yourself, be yourself and return to what is real.
The real safety net of life is community, family, and nature.
Real life does not come with a safety net interwoven from the entangling threads of government and corporations.
The danger of freedom is real, but enforced safety reeks of a much more odious danger.