No part of human life is possible without the total environment.
There is a total symbiosis between the environment and all its diverse inhabitants representing an inseparable physical interdependence.
Environmentalism is about life itself, because the environment is the space where all life happens.
We need to be respectful and careful with nature and the environment.
The zombie brand-drones of monoculture live in the grey prison cells of homogeneity, dearth of the vibrancy of choice— standing in a cultural bread-line, just to stay alive.
This beautiful village is where the real human family lives.
Monoculture wants you to forget that the joy of life is in the community of the village.
Monoculture hates small towns, artists, artisans and colorful diverse expression, preferring instead a one-size-fits-all solution.
Monocultures create mind-monopolies.
Monoculture hates diversity of all types, especially diversity of opinion, and is therefore the enemy of free speech.