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Our children are bullies in school, because they are our children.
We have been made in the image and likeness of that into which we were born and raised. We are violence.
As children of the institution, we have all learned various processes and ways of behaving, consuming and producing.
Corporate institutions have processes favoring efficiency over loss, and process over people.
Humanity has been institutionalized and we are all the products of commercial and institutional life.
We all know there is something wrong with our culture, the state of our world, and with ourselves.
We are all artificial and have been unnaturally changed by violence and unwholesome conditioning.
The need for gain, and advantage over others, is one of the chief driving forces behind all human misery.
All of our relationships are based on self-interest, discrimination and a perverse need for gain.
We have been trained by a culture of violence and we are all agents of passive violence.

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