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The world desperately needs the balancing leadership of the woman.
The ultimate male tradition is keeping women from sitting at the table of conversation regarding the balance of power between genders.
Practically every legislative body, assembly, and boardroom on earth lacks the natural balance between genders observable in the population.
It is predominantly men who are destroying the miracle of life on Earth.
We must imbue our children with principles of the higher-self, principles which see all people as true equals.
We must strive for the fostering of a peace-seeking society.
We must unequivocally reject the male war-consciousness by understanding it, exposing it and reforming it.
We need to begin to see hyper-masculinity as the disorder it is, and not as a strength.
Men can never have the true power they were endowed with by creation, until they respect and protect the women and children of the world.
The bondage upon humanity's great aspirations is largely held in place by the state of the woman in the world.

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