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There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy.
Kindness is seen as weakness and intelligence worshiped, even when that intelligence allows unfathomable injustice and suffering to occur under its smart watch.
The dark war-consciousness and pride have seized upon the weak, with great cynicisms and glib, soulless intellects, that grind away like robotic gears at what they despise and can never understand.
Lust for possession and greed has ravaged the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasizing throughout society in the form of a nouveau post-human, consumer hedonism.
We care about people, and delight in seeing others happy and safe.
Our truest nature is to be helpful to others, and to protect and love them.
When someone is suffering, there is a deep, visceral reaction in the core of our being, a flood of empathy and a frightfully desperate compulsion to give aid.
We all know the true beauty of people everywhere, because we have all looked into the eyes of children, and saw ourselves looking back.
Every person's true identity is beautiful, and much of the ugliness we observe in others was put inside of them by external influences.
Our minds have been poisoned and our accepted beliefs are unnatural and artificial.

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