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The existence of excessive nationalism is a symptom of a deeper problem in the collective consciousness, which is continually being exploited.
National identity acts as a consumer lever to manipulate the emotions of the masses, for the purposes of power regulation and the fulfillment of agenda.
National pride is the culmination of a lifetime public relations campaign of psychological mind-control techniques.
Patriotism is merely deeply-rooted government brand loyalty.
Every state's emblematic propaganda is worshiped by the consumer-citizen as a super-logo; a brand Juggernaut.
Like Manchurian candidates, we have been made into Manchurian consumers, who subconsciously buy when we are triggered by our brand masters.
The national identity is a consumer identity.
Nationalism as we know it, is the result of a form of state-sponsored branding.
State worship is an essential part of every government's command and control, from the tiniest banana republics, to imperialist hegemons like America.
Every generation is inculcated in new traditions of prejudice, which are encouraged as normal, natural and healthy.

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