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I was raised in a culture of quietly "polite" judgments; a pressure-cooker of seething hatred, prejudice, violence and ignorance.
How we produce and consume is really about how we relate to the world, to other people and to ourselves.
Cheap food and goods are dangerous illusions that do not exist. What you don't pay at the checkout, you pay at the hospital.
The propaganda spear-point of corporate conquest is often the promise of convenient, consistent and cheap goods and services.
Selfish and irresponsible corporations are subsidizing their profits with our losses in the form of our anguish, pain, suffering and sometimes death.
Our consuming predilections are often encouraged by irresponsible corporations who wish to realize a profit even if it hurts their customers.
Unhealthy relationship models between producers and consumers have tragic effects on society and the environment.
The emerging worldwide health pandemic has it's roots in the ways we produce and consume.
Pray for your deliverance tomorrow — by taking good care of yourself today.
A beautiful person is protected like a beautiful flower in a garden, which many gardeners tend.

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