Most of your problems exist because your heart is hard, and you are being arrogant.
Maybe you receive pain selfishly — thinking only of yourself. The cycle of pain wounds every participant; both victim and aggressor.
Even when someone hurts you, you choose how to struggle, resist, deny and receive.
You are the source of your pain, and you are the source of your healing.
Your every ill-thought, secreted hate, cynical and vicious judgment you carry is meant only for you.
Much of the torment of our lives is our own creation.
Your burdens are perfectly measured and gifted to you according to your resistance.
We teach best by how we live life; who we are instructs with absolute clarity.
The more spiritually aware you become, the more you will focus on your own development and less on the imperfections of others.
The more evolved you are the less you will agree or disagree with others, and the more you will gently sift through the fullness of what people are offering and gratefully take only what you need.