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Money is not the problem in the world; hard hearts are the real problem — the hard hearts of both the rich and the poor.
You don't have to be poor to be deeply spiritual, and in fact spirituality can bring every type of wealth there is to be had. What the world needs more than anything is more spiritual millionaires and spiritual billionaires; the world needs conscious leadership!
We have the wealth of the universe; it's all accessible, but you have to claim the abundance.
The lie that you can't make money doing what you love is just a projection of your self-accepted unworthiness.
Take a vow of total abundance. Declare that you believe in balance, and therefore, full spectrum inner and outer (spiritual and worldly) wealth and empowerment, also known as freedom.
We serve no purpose by being small, and we can best help others from a position of strength; not weakness.
You can always hold out for something better when you know your self-worth.
It all added up to something after all — to you becoming you.
Those long pauses may be some of your sweetest moments. Your journey may have taken an unexpected turn or two, but it took you directly to who you are today.
Be patient. The secret is to flow with the seasons of your life. This is how you reach the fullness of life's bounty.

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