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The world is full of beautiful people; unique and precious, each of us are fine, worthy and wondrous beings. Every person has something meaningful to say in the conversation of life. Let people speak. Let people disagree. Communicate. Listen. Listening is the way. Listening is the beginning of all progress. Have high-respect, if not for your opponent, then for your own comportment and conduct as a good listener. And don't make the mistake of thinking that you have to agree with people and their beliefs to defend them from injustice. If you can't respect someone you disagree with, then you don't even know what respect means. As free as you allow others to be, such freedom you create for yourself. We each have a miraculous capacity within our mind to evolve and to learn new ways of understanding. The great procession of life's challenges and conflicts ever advance, and every difficult moment is a new opportunity for each of us to showcase the evolved state of humanity we all wish to see in the world. In each relationship, you have the chance to cultivate and inspire what you wish to receive. Every relationship contains at least a partial reflection of what we are projecting, which is returning to us. It is very empowering to know that some of what we see in others, is ourselves. Give the best of yourself. Be open. Be respectful. Listen. This is the way to understanding, and this is the way to be heard. One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.
Rather than focusing on right and wrong, try to think in terms of creating something new from a pollination of ideas. Consider each mind as a flower, which goes through its own cycles of growth, budding, bloom and decay. Somewhere along the path, the cerebral flower of the mind comes into full bloom, and through dialogue with others a wondrous process of cross-pollination with other mind-flowers can begin. Before you know it, new flowers with new colors, patterns, and shapes begin to emerge everywhere; idea-flowers that have never existed before, not even in our wildest imagination. This process exposes the genius of natural designs and laws which are far beyond our weak intellect's comprehension. What is essential is that we come together as a community and communicate, and do so as respectfully as possible. The change will emerge on its own, and will carry the unique imprints of each participant forward into the mysterious creation of that which is beyond imagination — a new world.
When you are embroiled in conflict, disagreement or challenging and painful circumstances, remember that this is the time to practice openness. There is seldom a clear solution to complex problems, and sometimes the best way to find a solution is to not look for it. Instead of looking for a solution, try to expand widely in both openness and communications. Don't listen to critics who may say your ideas are useless because they happen to presently be unaccompanied with clear solution. It is also unnecessary that everyone be of the same opinion, so do not listen to critics who say your opinions are invalid because they are inconsistent or incomplete. And don't shut others out because they have unfamiliar ideas and ways. What is essential is to continue communicating and the right ideas will emerge through the process of dialogue. This is how ideas work, and open-minded critical thinkers should always be willing to engage in dialogue, despite any differences of opinion.
Changing your mind can move you into another dimension. Passages can materialize exposing a hidden world that was there all along. But there is no passage for a closed mind and heart. The expansion of your world, and in fact, your reality — expands and contracts with the arch of your mind and heart. A broad mind and heart inherits a broad and wonderful world; a narrow mind and heart suffocates in the tiny cage of their making. Empowerment is often little more than noticing what was once unnoticed and finding what was always there.
Moments of challenge are the greatest blessings in your life; they are your chance for rapid expanding and deepening of your understanding. Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth. The greater the discomfort, the greater the potential for learning. The more something upsets you, the more it is meant for you. When it no longer upsets you, it is no longer needed because the lesson is complete. When turmoil and upset transcend to clarity and resolve, your suffering and the suffering of others take on purpose beyond what seems like senseless pain. Every tragedy has a lesson equal in significance to its heartbreak. How you channel your justifiable upset — positively or negatively — determines the degree to which you waste your life force or mount your verve into worthy endeavor. And then there is useless common drama, stubbornness, and ignorance. Most of the petty upset we experience is unnecessary reactivity that can and should be tamed. Petty upset is a sign of a crude and unrefined personality, intellect, and spirituality. Petty upset is a sloppy waste of emotional energy; it is toxic and is often an inner-obstacle to seeing reality clearly. Most inner-obstacles are not overcome because they are seen as natural, ordinary and justifiable. You have to understand your inner-obstacles for the inhibiting barriers they truly are in order to move beyond them. The time to evolve and question your emotions is when you are feeling challenged. You cannot practice being open in a moment of no challenge. Don't be afraid of changing your mind.
Being open-minded is critical for your growth. If you cannot be open-minded, then you do not possess your ideas, your ideas possess you. Opening yourself to the possibility that you are wrong may make you feel vulnerable, but it is actually empowering, because this is how we learn. When you are not willing to be challenged, disturbed or offended, you are not willing to explore your weaknesses or ever claim the potential of greater strengths. Challenge yourself. Be defiant; defy yourself. Challenge authority; the authority of your own rational convictions! Think back to how many times you absolutely knew you were right about something or someone, only to find out later in life you had been absolutely wrong. This is a common pattern that repeats itself, and in the moment, it is nearly impossible to detect that it is happening. This is the problem with being short-sighted; it is hard to see. We all do this constantly! This is why it is so important to make a conscious and continual effort to be open-minded. Next time you are positively and absolutely sure, attempt the practice of releasing surety and opening yourself to the possibility that you are wrong, or that you do not understand the full picture. Open yourself to the possibility that you and your opponent are both right according to your own experiences and worldviews. Take a hard stance for broadness and understanding.
When you are at the brink of destruction; at your most vulnerable and desperate hour and everyone has given-up on you, this is when the stranger appears. The stranger arrives when your heart is broken open, ready and believing. The stranger's eye is clear and not stained with your past mistakes. They are the ones who will leave you that hundred dollar tip or unexpectedly offer you a new opportunity. They are the ones who will stop and change your tire on the freeway, or give you a place to stay for a while. She is the one who compassionately looked you in the eye in the store when your abusive partner was yelling at you. Like an angel, he came in at the last moment and gave you the support or the advice you needed. They made the call to a friend and put themselves at risk to open an essential door for you because they saw something amazing in you. The stranger is the one who gave you something that was a much bigger personal sacrifice than you ever knew, because she did it with humility, grace, and with no expectation. The stranger is the one who believed in you when no one else would. The stranger uplifted you with words of hope and optimism when you were at your lowest. The stranger silently suffered to give you room to recover and to try again. The stranger meets you halfway on a bridge called faith. The stranger is coming to make someone's dreams come true. The stranger's hand is appearing out of nowhere and rescuing someone just before they slip over the edge. The stranger's appearance is in perfect time and is a miracle. The stranger could be a real life angel. Have faith and courage, and — BE THE STRANGER.
There are times in our lives when we finally get out of the funk and fog of our past just far enough, that a clearing starts to take place in our minds. Maybe we begin to believe we can and should do something we have wanted to do for a very long time, where the impossible starts to look possible. It could be going back to school or turning a hobby into a business. Perhaps we want to leave a relationship that has lingered on too long and is hurting everyone. It could be a risky career change or leaving your town to live a new adventure somewhere else that is calling to you. It could be overcoming an addiction, asking forgiveness or rekindling a broken relationship. When the clearing starts to happen, and we begin to see the path of possibility in ourselves widening, we often need help to make the journey. Maybe we need a little extra money or a place to stay where we are safe. Perhaps we need some tools, favors or just some moral support and encouragement. In moments like these, we may turn to our friends and family, only to discover that the community of people who have known us the longest can't see the same vision for our future as we do. The clearing is often only happening for us, and those who love us most cannot see or believe in our nascent visions, because they can only see yesterday. But if you have a deep desire to move forward, a way is being prepared for you.
Now imagine a man lost in the woods who is composed and confident. He accepts he is lost but trusts and leans on his instincts. He is not panicked. His hearing is acute. He is steady and thoughtful. His mind and senses are unclouded and delivering life-saving information. He walks straight and devises plans and systems to stay on course. What is the difference between the fearful person and the fearless person? One has delivered himself to destruction and one to salvation. The fearful person wilts and submits to what they call fate, while the fearless negotiates with fate for a compromise. The fearful have lost faith while the fearless allow faith to lead the way. You have to have faith if you want to make it out of the woods. Faith is your only hope for deliverance. Faith is your North Star. Fear is always death. Faith is life. Have faith and your victory is assured.
There is nothing worse than fear. Fear is worse than cancer, fear is worse than torture, fear is worse than betrayal and fear is even worse than death. Even death itself is made wretched by terror and fear. Fear paralyzes your total being. Imagine a man walking in the woods late at night beginning to panic. He is hyperventilating, spinning-around looking in every direction. He cannot hear what is near him for his own breathing. His heart is racing. He is discombobulated and walking in circles. Predators from afar detect his fear and move-in on him; he is bringing about his own reality. This is how many people move through life. They struggle in fear and alert every evil to come for a visit. Everything in life will attack you if it senses your fear; animals and people — but faithful confidence wards off all manner of evil.

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