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Once you understand that the master weapon of the human being is the mind, you will then see that violence is everywhere — true violence. Each person has terrible acts of violence being perpetrated against them in nearly every aspect of their lives. Pitted against the soul of every flesh and blood human are endless institutions, all enabled, organized and operating on the exacting and absolute definitive and deadly word. Words represent the thoughts of people and thoughts represent the will of the mind. The same violence that we see in the animal kingdom in the form of competition is what plays out day-to-day between individuals and institutions through the mind and the word. Yet, what happens in nature is no justification for our behavior, because we are animals of consciousness with the ability of moral choice.
The mind is like a gun and our words are like bullets. When one understands that the mind and words represent the weapons, it is then that we can begin to understand that the legal arena is literally a bloodbath, which by common sense we always knew was true. People use words to do battle and to hurt one another terribly, tragically and even mortally. Stress-related death is well documented. Walking into any office building, corporation, trading floor, boardroom, government department, or courthouse can be like walking onto a blood-soaked battlefield. There are bodies everywhere and all you see and hear are the streaks of bullets racing by your head. You look over to the left and see your friend holding her neck as blood shoots from a clipped wound in her jugular vein. Everywhere you look you see empty cartridges falling to the ground as bullets fly in every direction. The bullets are the words. The words in the contracts, the words in your employment agreements, the words in the cheating fine print, the slanted words in your newspapers and on your television screens, the words of the insurance companies and the actuaries, the words in the courtrooms and the laws. The words coming out of the mouths of treacherous co-workers, gossiping neighbors, and capitalist storekeepers hawking their cheap dubious wares, without allegiance to anything beyond the bottom line of profit.
Like in the animal kingdom, where every creature has its defenses and weapons, humans also possess powerful instruments for camouflage, defense, and attack. For example, the tiger has its claws and teeth, the eagle has its talons, the bee has its stinger, and the ant has its powerful mandibles. What then is the weapon of man? Is it his lumpy fists or fragile fingernails? No. The chief weapon of all human beings is the mind. The human mind is the most powerful force on the face of the earth. It is the human mind that allows human beings to maintain domination over all creatures on the earth, though many are equipped with very powerful systems for predation and defense. Since the human mind is the primary weapon of the human being, it is also therefore the primary and most significant instrument of violence. Sadly, most of the weak discussions and inane posturing over violence in the human world is focused on physical acts of brutality, and the inanimate objects with which people commit these physical acts. Physical violence, however, represents only a minority of true violence in human affairs. To understand the true nature of violence, one must only look at the primary weapon, the mind. It is when we look into the institutions of the human mind that the vast world of human violence begins to emerge as an endless tapestry of cruelty.
To understand what a more sane world may look like, it is important to understand the insanity of violence, and the true nature of violence, which is seldom discussed. That is because any honest exploration of the nature of real violence has deep implications upon the foundations of the society in which we live, and this impacts how we judge ourselves. Modern society, the political body, the legal and judiciary system, the state of governance, capitalism and the very fabric of the society itself, including our religions and so-called morals and values, are institutions steeped in traditions of absolute and total violence.
It is predominantly men who are destroying the miracle of life on Earth. Looking at this phenomenon non-politically as a naturalist, the Prima facie evidence is clear. Practically every legislative body, assembly, and boardroom on earth lacks the natural balance between genders observable in the population. The ultimate male tradition is keeping women from sitting at the table of conversation regarding the balance of power between genders. The world desperately needs the balancing leadership of the woman. The woman's ascent to her position of fair and equal leadership will touch and bring healing sanity to every sphere of our pain. All pain in life comes from imbalance. Nothing will solve more problems than the women exerting her balanced leadership and guidance. The world cannot and will not survive without the woman's leadership.
It will take generations, great resolve and presence of mind to heal the deep wounds and distrust created by gender discrimination, manipulation, and abuse. The male-dominated systems know they cannot maintain their current power structures if and when the woman is restored to her natural and powerful state as a great leader and co-creator. The bondage upon humanity's great aspirations is largely held in place by the state of the woman in the world. Men can never have the true power they were endowed with by creation, until they respect and protect the women and children of the world. This involves men releasing unjust control, and having faith in the process of natural and healthy relationships, where the distribution of power is fair and the spirit of intense competition is tempered with great desire for cooperation and justice. When we try to control, we become controlled; when we release, we become free. We need to begin to see hyper-masculinity as the disorder it is, and not as a strength. We must unequivocally reject the male war-consciousness by understanding it, exposing it and reforming it. We must strive for the fostering of a peace-seeking society. We must imbue our children with principles of the higher-self, principles which see all people as true equals, and above all, which are sensitive to the delicate and fragile balance of life.
Society's broken male so desperately needs to ascend in the balance of power by subsuming that which is being suppressed in women. The natural and untainted male mind respects and loves the woman and her magnificent scope of capability and creative gifts. The natural woman really represents the antidote to the great afflictions that haunt the world. It is the absence of her rightful leadership which has created such profound imbalances that the entire plane of human affairs is near the tipping-point of falling into a cultural abyss. The most urgent and immediate solution requires the women of the world to achieve greater consciousness and authenticity, to reject artificial gender roles and social expectations enforced by perverse social norms, and raise more authentic and less artificial men. It requires all of us to achieve greater self-awareness and consciousness, and develop more intolerance for the obvious and omnipresent injustices we all know are wrong.
Women receive messages from childhood that they may be rewarded and protected for maintaining a childlike comportment such as being demure, obedient, passive, and subservient. However, if she rebels through exerting independence, asking questions, doubting myths, and especially self-reflection, she will be punished and rejected. Of course, this father-worship and voluntary subjugation is not limited to women. Little boys and men seek protection and validation from "Big Daddy" in the authoritarian realms of intellectual, fiscal, and social hierarchy, and through fraternity, government, military, police, and other consolidated power structures. The great father will not save us, whether it be your chosen mate rescuing you and making you "complete," or a personified "Uncle Sam" saving you from terrorist boogie-men. We can only save ourselves through elevating our individual consciousness, by realizing there is already completeness within, and exercising as much considerate independence, respect, and fairness as possible. Both men and women must carefully consider the roles they play. Both men and women are responsible for creating and participating in the dynamics of their chosen relationships with themselves, their communities, and the world.
We must embrace new frameworks of understanding that reject the angry, domineering, sex-driven male as an acceptable model. Women do not need a knight in shining armor or a Prince Charming to come to their rescue. The "Big Daddy" animus father-figure can be a man, lesbian female partner, community, government, or any type of power structure, but one thing always remains the same: if you are a good girl then "Big Daddy" will protect and love you, and if you are a bad girl, then you will be unloved, on your own, and the monsters will devour you. However, "Big Daddy" the fear monger, too often is the monster himself. The archetypal "Big Daddy" creates many of the fear-illusions used to keep women feeling insecure, dependent, scared, helpless, worthless, and full of restless despair. Love is the perfect safety, or the perfect weapon.
What then are women being groomed for? Women are controlled by men like a currency of the world. We all instinctively know, that for many men, the world revolves around money and women, and the conquest of both. Often, men want money to get women, or to use women to get money, or both at the same time. Women, their looks, traits and sexuality are reduced to caricatures of value for appraisal, show, trade and consumption. We see this every day, the way a new girlfriend is trotted out in front of friends and family like a cattle auction, to the winks and nods of passive commodity brokers, who all have a stake in this female slave auction. As a part of their conditioning, women unwittingly prostitute themselves into the auction and groom themselves toward the highest exchange rate — tragically entangling their self-esteem with the rise-and-fall of these perverse valuations. Through the process of objectification, many women have been reduced to dollar bills, tucked away in a man's billfold, and spent at his will, with full approval from the culture.

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