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It is difficult to comprehend some of the hateful and vicious acts of barbarism such as domestic abuse, rape, child marriages, female circumcision and genital mutilation, dowry deaths, acid throwing, and so-called honor killings. Ultimately, all of these crimes serve one purpose, and that is to keep the women from sitting at the table of conversation regarding the balance of power. The deeply embedded game of "the boys versus the girls" we have all observed in the school yard continues to play itself out as the stakes are increased in the great game of life. It is in the venue of these highly-competitive life games that the finely-tuned and unbalanced male sense of competition and his artificial war-consciousness are focused on the woman competitor, to obliterate her rights and suppress her highest worthy forms of female leadership. Since childhood, the male war-consciousness has made a life-long study of the female mind. This study is similar, in almost every way, to the study of an enemy before battle, which is used to achieve a perverse victory of domination — naturally and almost subconsciously. As masters of war and domination some men turn their warcraft against women in their pursuit of conquest and ownership. The problem is that many mothers, as a part of a cycle of violence themselves, unwittingly participate in the cultivation of the psychological instruments of oppression within the male consciousness. These unnatural psychologies are later used against the very women in society who first nurtured and ultimately crippled the male during upbringing. This is because the males have been groomed since birth, according to the specifications of a sick and perverse society, to become instruments of war.
In nearly all countries, including America, the truth is that women have a lower social status, and are quietly considered inferior, if not consciously, then by the policies, institutional traditions, and practices, which reinforce the thought-form that men are superior. It is the totality of the woman's crippled status that quietly gives a nod of approval to further acts of injustice and domination. Too many women, especially in so-called underdeveloped nations work for unequal pay, and do so with very little resistance. This sad acquiescence represents the level to which the spirit of woman is bridled, broken, and conquered. While economic inequalities may seem less pressing than physical violence, they represent a mindset of tolerance for the violation of fundamental human rights and the unequal balance of power, which serves as the foundation for greater acts of indecency, injustice and hateful treatment of women. These economic inequalities are part of the same habits of thought that underlie the true and overt brutalities committed against women all over the world. Even though physical violence may be more obvious and more vile on the surface than other forms of subjugation and inequality, the truth is that both are expressions of the same perverse philosophy.
But until that transformation is possible, we must become more conscious of the profound violence presently affecting the lives of countless women around the world. The problem is so ubiquitous that one could say the fish does not know it is wet. We are all a part of a culture of violence that dominates every aspect of our lives. Present-day society is saturated in the degeneracy of subjugation, which prevents women from fully participating in society as social equals. How can any serious discussion of breaking the cycle of abuse be considered anything other than useless rhetoric, when even in so-called developed countries, women do not receive an equal pay of respect? What is it in the value structure of society that allows overt injustice to exist generation after generation, with people paying almost no attention to the obvious disparity? What does this say about the society, and us as its members? If society allows this, what else does the society allow? These are the basic questions we must all ask. It is the socially determined norms and traditions of gender roles and perceptions which must be challenged, and challenged with vigor.
Much of the horrors that we are fed daily through the media could be attributed to the loss of a sense of belonging and partnership in couples and communities. In the past, and in some indigenous cultures today, the stages which involved watersheds, rites of passage in life, were observed and honored. This communal veneration towards puberty, coming of age, preparation for manhood, womanhood, birth and death, and the stages of life fosters mutual respect, and violence and intimidation have no opportunity to rear their ugly heads where respect is present. Finding ways in which to recognize and honor these life-stages would most certainly contribute towards a more peaceful and peace-seeking society.
We must turn our eye and attention to the root causes of unfair and dominating attitudes and practices against women around the world and at home, and work to restore the woman to her rightful place, as the strong, loving maternal leader of peace and reason. Assaults against women and children are assaults against any potential positive future for the world. The voice of reason cries out to us at every moment, and says, "the future is in our hands," and we must protect the women and children of the world by unequivocally rejecting the male war-consciousness. To protect them, we simply must set them free from the cycle of selfish violence, which is endlessly waged against them — and they will, in that instant, become an essential part of the natural balance of leadership the world so desperately needs.
Through honoring, appreciating and nurturing women, we set in motion a seismic shift which will lead to a new and healthy relationship cycle. Eliminating violence and fear opens the portal to empowerment and communications. This respectful flow of information enables constructive, healthy, compassionate, and wisdom-based nurturing of male and female children. It is women who bring forth the future of the human race, and those early years of childhood are shaped, for better or worse, by the experiences and conditioning of the mothers, who subsequently pass relationship models on to their offspring. The current predominant attitudes were shaped by our parents, their parents before them, and so on back through history. Yet, this ancestral habit formation can be overcome, and humanity will be transformed when this shift occurs.
Women carry the heavy burden of caring for the literal and figurative future of humanity in every way: materially, maternally, and spiritually. The passive and overt violence waged against the women and children of the world must end. The world will change when women reclaim their power as the sane, nurturing hands of love, which are ever reaching to cultivate a world of beauty, safety and harmony.
Around the world, women and children are desperately seeking refuge and safety from violence, death and sexual assault, which exists as the gross offspring of the male thought-forms of sexual conquest, subjugation, and need for domination. Until women and children free themselves from the ravages of the violent, male war-consciousness, there can never be peace.
To fully understand the state of the human family, and the problems we face together, we must carefully look at the ways women and children are treated by men. Throughout the ages, society has emotionally castrated the male, in order to condition his consciousness to become capable of unnatural acts of violence and war. This war-consciousness is purposely cultivated to guide the male away from the natural, healthy balances between masculine and feminine energies, and toward more unbalanced and detached psychologies. This detachment from compassion in the male is produced in him, so he can do the dirty work for society and its so-called national interest, in the form of social competition, militarism, and predation. Mothers should be very careful what type of boys and men they create, or allow to be created. The artificial man, which is being created, is indeed a monster, and carries within him the dark and unnatural male war-consciousness. The war-consciousness is a living meme; a parasitic blight on the soul of human consciousness. The war-consciousness is alien and suffocating to the untainted spirit-nature of women and children; its unique cruelty is the vile domain of unbalanced male dominance, and represents the lowest part of the male energy.
Everyone who has an abiding reverence for the sanctity of life wants to promote as much non-violence and safety for people as possible. We are the world, both the good and the bad. We are responsible for what we are creating. Even the cultural momentum which is sculpting us through propaganda and advertising was first our creation. It comes from us, and it is us. The full mantle of responsibility is on our shoulders, and the great thing about life — the most magnificent thing about being these sentient human beings — is that we have been given the power of choice. That is one thing that we do have is the power to choose. We can change the world one thought at a time, one child at a time, one family at a time, one community at a time, one city, one state and one country at a time. Let the change begin with our choices this very moment. You are creating through your choices, even now. Choose wisely.

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