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As an organism, your inner-intelligence knows how to keep you safe.
Never allow a monster to reach into the mind or heart, and silence a free soul, with fear and threat of liberty lost.
Revolution is about taking new vocabularies, which often belong to new generations, and speaking new languages, and through those languages, creating new narratives; narratives that could have never been expressed without those many new constructs.
Each mind is a flower, which goes through its own cycles of growth, budding, bloom and decay.
Free expression is the master catalyst of change.
Never stand by and allow a hand of intimidation to be placed upon the sacred and free body of an unwilling participant, nor allow a monster to reach into the mind or heart, and silence a free soul, with fear and threat of liberty lost.
The expansion of your own consciousness, capacity for love, humility and compassion — this is the path; this is the way.
The essential respect is the one in your own heart for yourself.
We can build beautiful visions together, through respect.
Close your eyes to what apparently "is," and look inward to the infinite truth of what is possible through imagination.

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