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The great procession of life's challenges and conflicts ever advance, and every difficult moment is a new opportunity for each of us to showcase the evolved state of humanity we all wish to see.
We each have a miraculous capacity within our mind to evolve and to learn new ways of understanding.
As free as you allow others to be, such freedom you create for yourself.
Have high-respect, if not for your opponent, then for your own comportment and conduct as a good listener.
Let people speak. Let people disagree. Communicate. Listen.
Every person has something meaningful to say in the conversation of life.
Humanity is full of beautiful people; unique and precious, each of us are fine, worthy and wondrous beings.
Any law, or law body inhibiting free expression, must be reformed, and must be relentlessly ignored, with loving contempt.
Strangled in the clutch of brute intimidation, we are all made victims; first by the foul deed, and second by those good souls who do nothing to oppose it.
No law should allow or promote the silencing of opinions, or the directing or disbanding of peaceable assembly.

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